Process Engineering

Process engineering is the application of the engineering principles, the laws of physics and application objects to develop & manufacture the products at industrial facilities that are wanted by society.  This is what defines Industrial Reps today.  Our goal is to utilize our years of experience, education and learned knowledge to collaborate with our customers and assist them with decisions they need to make to improve their facilities.  We use the many tools at our disposal to achieve this goal including use of industrial resources and industry experts, establishing relationships with quality equipment manufacturers and most importantly, by listening to our customers.

These are some of the considerations typically used by Industrial Reps when designing bulk material processes with our customers.

  • Budget – The cost justifications for a project should be established.
  • Design Capacity – discuss in detail the required Production (end rate) and work backwards through the process.  Realize that within any process, one of the components will be the process rate restricting device.  Be sure to identify batch or continuous processes and changes between these areas.
  • Product Moisture Content & Temperature – For the product & the environment.  This will be especially important when transitioning between inside/ outside, conditioned/ unconditioned areas.
  • Ambient Temperature & Humidity – The ambient temperature of your facility can affect the moisture content of your material.
  • Product Bulk Density & Size Distribution - Particle size can have a significant impact on the flowability of the material. The particle size distribution should be determined by the manufacturer during testing.
  • Dust and other material safety concerns – the newer government regulations for explosive dusts & hazardous dusts should affect designs.  What was a standard 15-20 years ago is likely going to create challenges that can’t be contained.  Especially at transfer points.
  • Headroom & Equipment Layout – Once the basics for the process are identified, consideration of the physical requirements of the equipment must be understood.  In far too many instances, a building is designed and constructed prior to this crucial step and headroom becomes a problem.
  • Personnel Safety & Labor – The advantages of automation, robotics, etc… are well established.  These markets are expanding at an exponential rate.  One worker injury can buy a lot of equipment.

Contact Us Today

Please feel free to contact us via web inquiry, e-mail or phone to let us know what you would like from us.